is a platform,
which consists of
cargo transportation
and lifestyle services.

    Home / Career


    15 years on the market
    3000 employees

    Финалист Рейтинга работодателей в 2022, 2023 гг.

    Победитель рейтинга «Надежный перевозчик России» 2023, 2024

    Привлекательный работодатель

    Победитель национальной премии «Логистика года» 2023

    Привлекательный работодатель Привлекательный работодатель Привлекательный работодатель Привлекательный работодатель

    «Привлекательный работодатель» 2017−2023 гг. по версии Superjob

    People are out investment

    The success of any company depends on people. Employees are one of the main strategic priorities for us, so we pay great attention to the team.

    Everyone is important at MONOPOLY, because we understand that business is done by people. In our business the most valuable is created by those who communicate with our clients every day.

    Our employees are creative, reasoning, able to make decisions, implement them and be responsible for them. We are not afraid to take risks and openly discuss all issues and problems. Thanks to this approach, we employ people who are passionate about their work, want to grow and develop.

    Office planning
    Professional development and career growth

    The company creates an environment in which each employee has the opportunity to work with different tasks, thereby developing their skills and influencing the result. We are always proud of their achievements and results.

    Flexibility and dynamics

    We make decisions quickly and act promptly to implement them. We do not have complicated procedures for coordinating initiatives. We are open to everything new and we are not afraid of experiments.

    Entrepreneurship team

    We are united by a common goal. The result and our path to achieving it are important to us. The entrepreneurial spirit of each employee is reflected in the company’s achievements.

    Comfortable conditions

    We know that the best work is done when all the essentials are present. Our offices have modern technical equipment, comfortable furniture, recreation areas and much more that allows you to feel as content and comfortable as possible.